Nurse's Viewpoint: The O.R. and Beyond

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Nurses get sick too

This may come as a shock, folks but nurses get sick too! Right now, for example, I have a backache from the tumor on my kidnet that makes my blood pressure go nuts, but hey, I can't do much about that now, because the caring, sweet BOSS FIRED ME for being SICK. This tumor is life-threatening. This is happening all over America, folks. I have 5 offspring, all of whom were told.."you major on nursing, you won't get a penny from me"....Hey- if they want to be abused I can say mean things right here at home. No, really, almost all are grown now. Anyway, I wanted folks to know. Yea, hospitals do things that people call illegal all the time-hey-it's just to a RN, right? Who cares? Well, folks, hospital administrators often overlook this abuse, because hey, when THEY are admitted, the charge nurse/supervisor, whatever, will approve overtime for another nurse, to make sure the administrator's cared for...who in turn will not complain. See? That's why me and so many other intelligent, skilled, past 40 RNs are changing professions.